.3 2.2 kW Z6HD+: .875 3.85 kW
Z8HD+: 1.25 5.25 kW
Z12HD+: 1.88 7.8 kW
Z16HD+: 2.5 10.5 kW
ZD24HD+ 3.76 15.6 kW
ZD32HD+: 5 21 kW
FM+HD Power Output Range: (HD
signal injection ratio -20dB)
Z4HD+: .375 1.65 kW
2.8 kW
Z8HD+: .875 4.0 kW
Z12HD+: 1.25 6.0 kW
Z16HD+: 1.75 8.0 kW
ZD24HD+ 2.50 12.0 kW
ZD32HD+: 3.50 16.0 kW
Power Output Range:
.875 kW
Z6HD+: .325 1.3 kW
Z8HD+: .435 1.75 kW
Z12HD+: .650 2.6 kW
Z16HD+: .875 3.5 kW
ZD24HD+ 1.30 5.2 kW
ZD32HD+: 1.75 7.0 kW
RF Output
All Models: 3 1/8 Inch
EIA, 50 ohms
1 5/8 inch EIA step reducer supplied
on request at no charge
Excitation: Harris FlexStarTM HDx
digital FM/HD exciter
Range: 87.5MHz to 108MHz
programmable in 10kHz steps
Stability: ± 150 Hz, 0° to 50°C using
high accuracy internal (59.535MHz)
TCXO. 10MHz input for
synchronization to external (GPS)
reference. Automatic switching to
internal oscillator if external
reference fails.
Overall Efficiency: HD mode greater than or
equal to 26% AC to RF, FM+HD (common
mode-20dB ratio) mode greater than
or equal to 37% AC to RF, FM (analog
only) mode greater than or equal to
55% AC to RF. All figures are at
model specific nominal output power.
Harmonic / Spurious Suppression: Internal harmonic filter
meets or exceeds all FCC, IC, CE,
CCIR and IEC215 requirements. Meets
or exceeds standard NRSC-5A emission
limits in all modes.
VSWR: For load VSWR exceeding
1.5:1, nominal, transmitter
automatically reduces RF output as a
function of load VSWR (proportional
VSWR foldback). For an instantaneous
VSWR of 3:1 or greater, an automatic
carrier interruption occurs to
extinguish possible arcing
conditions in the output load.
Modulation Types: FM digitally synthesized
direct to channel, HD digital direct
to channel, FM+HD digital direct to
Operating Modes: On-the-Fly switching
between FM only, HD only, FM+HD. FM
Modulation Capability: Greater
than ± 300 kHz.
Asynchronous AM S/N Ratio: 55dB minimum below
equivalent 100% amplitude modulation
by 400Hz using 75μs de-emphasis (no
FM modulation present).
Synchronous AM S/N Ratio: 50dB minimum below
equivalent 100% amplitude modulation
with 75μs de-emphasis and 400Hz
high-pass filter (FM deviation +/-
75kHz by a 1kHz sine wave). Measured
at wideband input.
AC Mains Requirement:
197 to 250V, 1-phase, 50
or 60Hz, 2-wire (plus safety ground)
197 to 250V, 3-phase, 50 or 60Hz,
3-wire Closed Delta or WYE 380 to
415V, 3-phase, 50 or 60Hz, 4-wire
437 to 506V, 3-phase, 60 Hz, 3-wire
Closed Delta or WYE